Mail: OmniSkills, LLC, 3138 Airlie Street, Charlotte, NC 28205
Phone: 704.385.7371
- Paul Reali (paul at omniskills dot com)
- OmniSkills Press (press at omniskills dot com)
- General Inquiries:
(imagine at omniskills dot com)
Skype: paulreali (click to chat if Paul is online)

We're OmniSkills, and we help you get the most out of your people.
With OmniSkills, you get a company that's
fresh and innovative. Fresh means that we offer classic content and courses delivered in a new way, tailored to your needs and delivered in a way that ensures that you get the performance gains you need. (You can learn more about how we do that, here.) Innovative means
that we offer new content and courses, created by OmniSkills and available
nowhere else.
Our personal specialties are creativity and innovation, leadership and management, personal and interpersonal skills, and communication skills. And through our network of associates, we offer an even wider set of performance-building services.
Our founder, Paul Reali, has more than 20 years' experience
in bringing about positive change through workplace training, facilitation, coaching and consulting. He is an energetic and versatile trainer who conducts interactive workshops that challenge the learners to dig deeper and to make connections, and which are always packed with humor and practical, use-it-tomorrow content. Paul is an award-winning trainer who has worked with more than 200 companies across the U.S., including American Express, AT&T, Capital One, Eaton, Raytheon, Symantec, Lowe's, Macy's, and many more.
Paul has an M.S. in Creativity from the International Center for Studies in Creativity at SUNY Buffalo State, and an MBA from Syracuse University, with a major in innovation management. These degrees, combined with 15 years' experience running innovative companies, makes Paul uniquely qualified to help you build a creative and innovative organization, no matter your size. [Learn more about Creative Problem Solving]
Paul is the co-author of Creativity Rising: Creative Thinking and Creative Problem Solving in the 21st Century, and the co-editor of Big Questions in Creativity 2013. In addition to his work with OmniSkills, Paul is the Managing Editor of ICSC Press, and the founder of the CPS facilitator's web site creativeproblemsolving.com.
Paul was the co-founder of CyberSkills, Inc., a Winston-Salem-based training company he led for 12 years, from 1993 to 2005. In his role as president, he had hands-on experience in all aspects of running a complex enterprise, and managing and leading its diverse teams.
In 1997, he received two awards: the Piedmont (NC) Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development recognized him as the Trainer of the Year, and Triad Business News named him one of Forty Leaders Under 40.
He co-founded OmniSkills, LLC, in 2005.
To reach Paul, call 336.926.8833 or 704.385.7371, or e-mail him.